
Accepted Papers for PASCO 2015

  1. Marshall Law and Michael MonaganA parallel implementation for polynomial multiplication modulo a prime
  2. Michael Monagan and Roman PearceA Compact Parallel Implementation of F4
  3. Mickaël Gastineau and Jacques LaskarParallel Sparse Multivariate Polynomial Division
  4. Jan Verschelde and Xiangcheng YuAccelerating Polynomial Homotopy Continuation on a Graphics Processing Unit with Double Double and Quad Double Arithmetic
  5. Fatima K. Abu Salem, Khalil El Harake, Karl GemayelCache oblivious sparse polynomial factoring using the Funnel heap
  6. Dereje Kifle Boku, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Andreas SteenpassGröbner Bases over Algebraic Number Fields
  7. Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, Ziad Sultan, Bastien ViallaParallel Algebraic Linear Algebra Dedicated Interface
  8. Jonathan Hauenstein and Alan LiddellA hybrid symbolic-numeric approach to exceptional sets of generically zero-dimensional systems
  9. Hiroki Hayakawa, Naonari Ishida, Hirokazu MuraoGPU-acceleration of Optimal Permutation-Puzzle Solving
  10. Matthew Gibson and Michael MonaganOptimizing and Parallelizing the Modular GCD Algorithm
  11. Mohamed Khochtali, Daniel Roche, Xisen TianParallel sparse interpolation using small primes
  12. Lingchuan Meng and Jeremy JohnsonHigh Performance Implementation of the Inverse TFT
  13. Andrew Novocin, B. David Saunders, Alexander Stachnik, Bryan Youse3-Ranks for strongly regular graphs

CFP (now passed)

7th International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation
	The University of Bath, UK, July 10-11, 2015

The International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation
(PASCO) is a series of workshops dedicated to the promotion and
advancement of parallel algorithms and software in all areas of
mathematical computation. 


Paper submission: Monday 6th April 2015 (23:59 PST) [Extended].
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Friday 29th May 2015.


All topics covered traditionally by PASCO including:
* Design and analysis of parallel algorithms for computer algebra
* Practical parallel implementation of symbolic or symbolic-numeric
* Design of high-performance algebraic packages and systems
* Data representation and distributed data-structures
* Considerations for modern hardware and hardware acceleration
    technologies (multi-cores, GPUs, FPGAs) 
* Parallel algorithm implementation and performance tuning
* Cache complexity and cache-oblivious algorithms for computer algebra
* Compile-time and run-time techniques for automating optimization
    and platform adaptation of computer algebra algorithms
* Applications of high-performance computer algebra

PASCO 2015 is affiliated with and immediately follows the 2015
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(ISSAC2015), also in Bath. 
Earlier meetings in the PASCO series (originally called Computer
Algebra and Parallelism) include CAP'88 (Grenoble, France), CAP'90
(Ithaca, USA), PASCO'94 (Linz, Austria), PASCO'97 (Maui, U.S.A.),
PASCO'07 (London, Canada) and PASCO'10 (Grenoble, France).  


Papers must contain original research and not duplicate work published
or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by the
Program Committee and external referees. Proceedings will be
distributed at PASCO 2015. Papers must be written in English and
should not exceed 8 pages in ACM's Proceedings style, which is
about 20 to 22 pages in LaTeX 12pt article style.

Papers are exclusively submitted via: 

We expect that at least one author of each accepted paper attends
PASCO 2015 and presents her or his paper. Accepted papers should then be
published in the form of formal proceedings in the ACM Digital Library
(application pending). 


Submit by Apr. 6 (23:59 PST); Notif. by May 29; Conf. Jul. 10-11, 2015.