

The 7th International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO) is a series of workshops dedicated to the promotion and advancement of parallel algorithms and software in all areas of symbolic mathematical computation.


The workshop, held over two days immediately following the ISSAC 2015 conference in Bath, UK, will consist of invited talks, and peer-reviewed contributions.

Upcoming dates and deadlines

Late Registration June 22 – July 11
ISSACJuly 6-9, 2015
PASCOJuly 10-11, 2015

Program announced

The PASCO 2015 program, including accepted papers and invited talks, is now available.

The proceedings of PASCO 2015 will be published in the ACM ICPS series, and all accepted papers will be indexed by and available through the ACM Digital Library.

Registration open

You can now register for PASCO 2015 online. The reduced-fee early registraion period ends on June 21.

Invited speakers announced

The invited speakers for PASCO 2015 will be Julian Langou (UC Denver), Jean-Louis Roch (INRIA/U. Grenoble), and Allan Steel (U. Sydney).

Previous PASCOs

The PASCO series (originally called Computer Algebra and Parallelism) has been held roughly every four years since 1988:

CAP'88 Grenoble, France
CAP'90 Ithaca, USA
PASCO'94 Linz, Austria
PASCO'97 Maui, Hawaii, USA
PASCO'07 London, Ontario, Canada
PASCO'10 Grenoble, France